Earn 5 points per £1 Spent on food or drink.
Reduce your bill* using your points,
saving you money!
Gin Bonus!
Receive double points when ordering one of
our ‘posh’ gins
The Pickled Pig Loyalty Card is a great way to save money off your bills. Sign up today for your loyalty card and start saving.
To earn points you must present your Loyalty Card at or before the time you pay your bill. Points cannot be added after the bill has been paid.
Points are earned on the sale of food and/or drink. Therefore, as examples, points will not be earned:
– for purchases made at vending machines;
– on the payment of a deposit (as points will be given on the full sale value when the deposit is used); and
– on the purchase of a Pickled Pig voucher (as points will be given on the full sale value when the voucher is used).
Other items may also be excluded from the scheme at the discretion of the Pickled Pig management.
Currently 5 points will be added to your account for each whole pound that you spend. The number of points to be added can be altered at the complete discretion of the Pickled Pig.
The current redemption value of points is one point equates to one penny. The Pickled Pig reserves the right to vary the rate at any time.
Points will only be earned if the bill is settled in full on the day of your visit to our pub and restaurant. Consequently points will not be earned for bills on which credit is given and that are invoiced subsequently.
To redeem points you must present your Loyalty Card at the time you pay your bill.
Points can only be redeemed against purchases of food and/or drink.
*You may redeem some or all of the points in your account against your bill. If you do not have sufficient points to cover the entire bill you will have to settle the balance with another form of payment e.g. cash, or credit card.

Should you lose your card you must inform the Pickled Pig management immediately in writing at the address below. A new card will be issued to you and your old card will be cancelled.
The Pickled Pig shall not be liable for points that are redeemed between the time the Loyalty Card is lost and receipt of your confirmation in writing.
The promoter of The Pickled Pig Loyalty Card is M&F Hotels Ltd, Duke of Normandie Hotel, Lefebvre Street, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 2JP Channel Islands.
We will never release your details to companies outside The Pickled Pig Group. Unless you have opted out, we may use your details to send you offers and information on things which might interest you. If at any time you would like us to stop doing this, please let us know and we will stop immediately.
We would like to use the details from your application form combined with how you use your Loyalty Card and what you buy in our pubs and restaurants, to:
Understand your eating habits to improve our service and menus;
Unless you indicate otherwise, contact you with offers and information about products and services of interest to you; and Help manage the Loyalty Card and improve the way we run the scheme. We will not share your details with anyone outside of The Pickled Pig Group.
We may use and share information relating to groups of customers, without identifying individuals, to learn more about customer behaviour and find ways of enhancing our service.
The Loyalty Card is issued by and remains the property of The Pickled Pig (M&F Hotels Ltd) who reserve the right to decline to issue or withdraw the card, account or points at any time, or to alter or amend the terms and conditions of operation of the Scheme, or to terminate the Scheme at any time without notice.
All participants in the Loyalty Card scheme must be resident in the Channel Islands or must be regular visitors to the Channel Islands and aged 18 years or over.
Your points are held in an account in your name and not on the Loyalty Card itself.
The Loyalty Card is not transferable, and can only be used by the person to whom the card was issued.
Members may be removed from the scheme at any time at the discretion of the management of the Pickled Pig.
The Loyalty Card cannot be used as a credit card or a guarantee card.
The Loyalty Card scheme is only for the use of individuals. Businesses will not be given an Account and will not be issued with a Loyalty Card.
Staff of the Pickled Pig are not eligible to participate in the scheme.